Producing the Ynot Truth Podcast and/or any v/blog or podcast is no easy task. Podcasting requires camera equipment, mics, studio lights, scriptwriting, video & audio editing, social media campaigns, marketing, branding, distribution, monetization & daily hours of dedication.

I dream of the day; I have a podcast support team.
But for now, “It’s a one-person show.”

How to Start A Podcast | 6 Easy Steps

Like many beginner podcasters, I had no idea “How to start a podcast?”

So, I researched Facebook groups, Youtube Tutorials, Quora, and various forums on “HOW TO START A PODCAST CHANNEL?”

Let me tell Ya: “It was no cakewalk!

Yet 6 months later, in 6 steps, I launched the Ynot Truth Podcast”

In the hopes of being of service, I’ve recorded: What I have done to get where I am NOW ..

1:06 = Step #1: Develop a Podcast Concept. Define your Goals.

3:06 = Step #2: Choose your Podcast Format.

5:02 = Step #3: Choose Podcast Recording Equipment.

16:22 = Step #4: Studio Setup & Design.

20:47 = Step #5: Choose your Podcast Software.

25:45 = Step #6: Record your Podcast Trailer.

Listen Here:

If you appreciate my transparency & would like to see this podcast flourish; please donate what you can to Venmo, Paypal or Patreon.

Whether $1.00, $5.00, or $8,000,000, each penny brings me closer to paying my San Francisco high rent, maintaining my 2 websites, podcast & social media pages, affording studio equipment upgrades, and producing a professional-level product.

Regardless, I send you love.
Tony Eason

Podcast Blog:
Tony Eason Website:
YouTube Video Trailer: